
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ginataang gulay at daing

Ingredients :

250 grams dried fish
500 grams squash
300 grams egg plant
300 grams okra
bunch of malunggay
2 pcs coconut
3 pcs lemon grass
2 cloves onion
2 pcs tomatoe

Procedure :

Add 1 cup of water into the desiccated coconut and wring it. Use strainer to separate the coconut milk from the desiccated coconut and set aside. Add 4 cups of water and follow the same procedure to have another extracted coconut milk. Grilled the dried fish and wash it. Put all the ingredients into the casserole including the dried fish and use the second extracted coconut milk to cook on it. When the vegetables turn to tender add seasoning to taste. Pour the last coconut milk. After a minute of boiling serve it while hot.


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